Wolmania - Friday, May 20, 2022
It’s been a busy week and here I am at 9:15 on Thursday night rushing to finish the newsletter. Thank goodness I also went ahead and wrote everything but the preamble and epilogue several days ago and forgot all about it until I remembered in a panic that the newsletter comes out tomorrow morning. So anyway, I already took care of this one. Lucky break for me. Let’s see what I came up with.
Item 1: a link

Mad Men’s Robert Morse on Dancing for Jon Hamm, His Bursting Inbox, and Bert’s Orchiectomy
Robert Morse died a few weeks ago and I think this interview (which describes his character's fate on Mad Men) makes for a very nice send-off. Vulture also posted this (also very spoilery) interview with one of the actors who shared the screen with him on Mad Men in an iconic scene that paid homage to his time on Broadway.
Item 2: a list
Hours of the day, ranked:
- 8pm-9pm
- 7pm-8pm
- 6pm-7pm
- 11am-noon
- 10am-11am
- 3pm-4pm
- 5am-6am
- 9am-10am
- Noon-1pm
- 9pm-10pm
- 8am-9am
- 2pm-3pm
- 5pm-6pm
- Midnight-1am
- 1am-2am
- 10pm-11pm
- 1pm-2pm
- 7am-8am
- 6am-7am
- 11pm-Midnight
- 2am-3am
- 3am-4am
- 4am-5am
- 4pm-5pm
Item 3: a media recommendation

I know Zach Gage (not personally) from his many previous mobile games that I have enjoyed (including SpellTower, Pocket-Run Pool, Ridiculous Fishing, etc). He and Jack Schlesinger have made this new one, Knotwords. If you like crosswords and/or sudoku you’ll like this game, which is kind of a combination of crosswords and sudoku. The puzzles are pretty easy on Mondays but get more difficult throughout the week.
There’s one free puzzle every day (like Wordle) but if you pay for it you get access to the archives and a bunch of other puzzles.
I’m used to these polished ad-free mobile games being iOS-only but this one is actually available for iPhone, Android, or Steam.
Item 4: a photograph

See ya!
Okay we made it. See you next week.
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