Wolmania - Friday, August 26, 2022
Good morning. Let's get [megas]cul[p]tured.
Item 1: a link

It Was a Mystery in the Desert for 50 Years
In a remote Nevada valley, the artist Michael Heizer’s astonishing megasculpture is finally revealed.
Super cool story about an amazing (and arguably problematic) art project, reminiscent of James Turrell's Roden Crater, which previously appeared in this pages, that defies summary or photography (the article features a lot of video that helps put the work in perspective). I would like to drive three hours north of Las Vegas, Nevada, to be one of its half-dozen daily visitors someday.
Some of the many previous NYT articles about this work while it was in progress: May, 1976; December, 1999; February, 2005; May, 2015.
Item 2: a list
MPAA film ratings, ranked:
- PG-13
- R
- G
- Unrated
- PG
- NC-17
Item 3: a media recommendation
Item 4: a photograph

See ya!
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