2 min read

Wolmania - Friday, May 14, 2021

Hello again and welcome to a brand new domain. This one will look much better on my business cards.

Is this a good place to complain about how the New York Times added a bizarre 5 second animation on every load of the Spelling Bee page? I feel like one core web design principle should be "try not to antagonize your most enthusiastic users" - but what do I know?

Anyway... before I talk myself into adding a new weekly item for petty complaints, let's just move on to this week's collection of things I like.

Internal Combustion Engine

Internal Combustion Engine

Bartosz Ciechanowski's incredibly detailed description and illustration of how an internal combustion engine is constructed and how it operates made the rounds last week, but if you didn't see it (or if you saw the link and decided not to bother), I recommend setting aside a half hour to check it out. It's really fascinating (and the way the 3-d illustrations work is very impressive).

Other than simply finding it interesting and cool, my main takeaway is that it's shocking that internal combustion engines work at all, and completely insane that these things are built into cars and trucks and lawnmowers and everything else. Let's put them in museums, where they belong, and replace them with simpler, more efficient, less environmentally-disastrous alternatives.

Anyway, cool pictures 😵‍💫

Item 2: a list

Thank you Wine Enthusiast Magazine for the beautiful map.

Italian regions, ranked

  1. Tuscany
  2. Sicily
  3. Emilia-Romagna
  4. Umbria
  5. Lombardy
  6. Aosta Valley
  7. Sardinia
  8. Calabria
  9. Lazio
  10. Abruzzo
  11. Basilicata
  12. Campania
  13. Veneto
  14. Piedmont
  15. Apulia
  16. Liguria
  17. Friuli-Venezia Giulia
  18. Trentino-South Tyrol
  19. Marche
  20. Molise

Item 3: a media recommendation

Kurt Vile - "How Lucky" with John Prine (RIP)

Item 4: a photograph

Per NASA: "After the most famous voyage of modern times, it was time to go home. After proving that humanity has the ability to go beyond the confines of planet Earth, the first humans to walk on another world -- Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin -- flew the ascent stage of their Lunar Module back to meet Michael Collins in the moon-orbiting Command and Service Module. Pictured here on 1969 July 21 and recently digitally restored, the ascending spaceship was captured by Collins making its approach, with the Moon below, and Earth far in the distance. The smooth, dark area on the lunar surface is Mare Smythii located just below the equator on the extreme eastern edge of the Moon's near side. It is said of this iconic image that every person but one was in front of the camera."

Thanks for reading. Tell your friends! Especially your friends who are UX designers for the New York Times Games Section!