Wolmania - Friday, January 14, 2022
Hello and welcome to our 47th issue. I suggest pairing with a nice Ethiopian coffee or a Gamay, depending on when you're reading this and what kind of a week you've had so far. If you've had a Gamay kind of week but you don't drink, maybe a mushroom leek pasty is in order. Although now that I think about it, maybe hold off on eating until after the first item...
Item 1: a link

He Lost Fingers in an Accident. Now It’s Inspiring His Art.
After a life-changing injury with a table saw blade, John Powers asked friends to help sculpt a solution. His project to regain his craft is the most important art he’s done yet.
Item 2: a list
2022 Girl Scout Cookies, ranked:
- Samoas
- Tagalongs
- Do-si-dos
- Thin Mints
- Adventurefuls
- S’mores
- Trefoils
- Toffee-tastic
- Lemonades
- Lemon-Ups
- Caramel Chocolate Chip
- Toast-Yay!
Item 3: a media recommendation
Item 4: a photograph

See ya!
Thanks for reading. See you next week.
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