1 min read

Wolmania - Friday, March 25, 2022

Hello there and welcome. I heard from a lot of you about last week's issue. It was mostly stuff like "uh, are you okay?" and "you're a very sick person". It's always nice to hear from my fans. I'll try not to let it all go to my head.

Sprites, elves, trolls, jets, ghosts, and more transient luminous events

Sprites, elves, trolls, jets, ghosts, and more transient luminous events

Check out this information about transient luminous events.

Item 2: a list

Nobel Prize categories, ranked:

  1. Physics
  2. Literature
  3. Physiology or Medicine
  4. Chemistry
  5. Peace
  6. Economic Sciences

Item 3: a media recommendation

What Goes Into Harvesting the World's Most Expensive Spice

Item 4: a photograph

Illustration: An Early Quasar (ESO, M. Kornmesser)

See ya!

Thanks for reading (well, mostly looking). Have a nice weekend - see you in April.