Wolmania - Friday, July 23, 2021
Good morning, dear reader. It's been a whirlwind of a July so far and, if my calculations are correct, we have several days left to go before it's August. So there's still plenty of time for another billionaire to flout God's law and ascend to an altitude that they can call "space" without technically lying.
With that in mind, let's take to the stars, metaphorically, and reach the heady heights of somewhat interesting internet content.
Item 1: a link

Bone Music: Forbidden Soviet Records Made From Used X-Ray Films
Jason Kottke helpfully aggregates a bunch of interesting links about Cold War era Russian innovators making records out of, well, you already read the headline, right?
Item 2: a list

Just When You Thought Website Security Questions Couldn’t Get Any Worse
United Airlines has been doing an incredibly stupid and annoying thing for more than 5 years now. As a security measure it is obnoxious, but it does give me some extra content for my newsletter.
United security question "What was your most favorite fruit or vegetable as a child?" answers, ranked:
- Mushrooms
- Oranges
- Apples
- Onions
- Corn
- Lemon
- Carrots
- Asparagus
- Lime
- Potato
- Beets
- Strawberries
- Brussels sprouts
- Broccoli
- Lettuce
- Green beans
- Tangerines
- Clementines
- Cucumber
- Pineapples
- Tomatoes
- Grapes
- Edamame
- Daikon
- Peas
- Raspberries
- Kumquat
- Loquat
- Pears
- Yam/sweet potato [THESE ARE DIFFERENT THINGS! -ed]
- Spinach
- Cherries
- Lychee
- Blueberries
- Hot (spicy) peppers
- Turnips
- Kiwi
- Radish
- Okra
- Blackberries
- Collard greens
- Cabbage
- Cauliflower
- Cantaloupe
- Zucchini
- Watermelon
- Taro root
- Mango
- Celery
- Honeydew
- Lima beans
- Pumpkin
- Bananas
- Pomegranate
- Dragon fruit
- Squash
- Bell peppers
- Wax beans
- Starfruit
- Peaches
- Plums
- Nectarines
- Durian
- Cranberries
- Jackfruit
- Artichokes
- Eggplant
- Apricots
* Hackers: please note that I am not using this security question on my account!
Item 3: a media recommendation
Item 4: a photograph

Thanks for reading. See you next time, Dancy Persons!
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