Wolmania - Friday, July 2, 2021
Hello there. It's about to be the Fourth of July here in America (and elsewhere, if you want to be pedantic about it). This holiday commemorates and celebrates the Declaration of Independence, as dramatized in Hamilton and some other things.
Every year around this time I like to sit down with a pad of paper and make a list of everything I appreciate about our imperfect republic. This year's list is a new record - 237 items! No, just kidding, I don't actually do that. That would be weird! But I do appreciate that America is in the top third of countries I'd want to live (future list? time will tell).
At any rate, although today's recommended items are not America-themed or freedom-themed or even corn syrup-themed, I assure you that this entire issue was produced right here in the USA. Let's begin. 🇺🇸
Item 1: a link
Item 2: a list
M&M's flavors I found on the M&M's website, ranked
- Peanut butter
- Peanut
- Pretzel
- Dark chocolate mint
- Crispy
- Almond
- Original milk chocolate
- Dark chocolate
I’ve never had this fudge brownie flavor but I’m guessing it would sit comfortably at #3:

Item 3: a media recommendation
Item 4: a photograph

Thanks for reading and have a nice, temperate weekend.
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