1 min read

Wolmania - Friday, February 25, 2022

It's pretty sobering how often I have to lead off these newsletters with an acknowledgement of something terrible happening in the world and a reluctant segue to trivial matters. But I think it's better to do that than to pretend the terrible stuff isn't happening. So, for the record: Russia's attack on Ukraine is an outrage and I'm quite concerned about the people who are suffering as a result. And Texas's attack on trans children (and their families and teachers) is also an outrage and I'm quite concerned about the people who are suffering as a result. And Florida's attack on gay people is... etc. And the Supreme Court's ongoing attack on fundamental civil rights and democratic government is - you get the idea. There's a lot of terrible stuff going on right now.

So with that noted ... here's some nonsense.

I Gave Myself Three Months to Change My Personality

I Gave Myself Three Months to Change My Personality

The results were mixed.

Item 2: a list

"types of cloud" - first image result

Types of Cloud, Ranked:

  1. Stratocumulus
  2. Cirrus
  3. Stratus
  4. Cumulus
  5. Altostratus
  6. Altocumulus
  7. Cirrocumulus
  8. Aerosols

Item 3: a media recommendation

Building a Guitar from Scratch (with a pro luthier)

If you're looking to spend 2 hours on something, this is something.

Item 4: a photograph

The Earth Belongings by Majid Hojjati

See ya!

Thanks as always for reading. Let's hope next week's preamble is more cheerful. Or at least much shorter. See you then.