Friday, March 19, 2021
It doesn't feel right to jump straight to the usual nonsense this week, following a horrible attack on Asian-Americans in Georgia (and a perfunctory dismissal of the killer's likely racist and sexist motivations by a police department that clearly has its own biases). Many of America's marginalized populations have been the target of horrible, racist abuse and violence this year (and of course long before this year). A little guidance on how to recognize harassment and intervene safely could make a huge difference for someone someday, so please consider signing up for anti-harassment training here or elsewhere. And you can donate to Asian American Advancing Justice-Atlanta right here.
Now, on to the usual nonsense.
Item 1: a link

Troll Research Station: how to operate an airport in Antarctica
Troll Research Station maintains one of the southernmost airports in the world. See how the Norwegian Polar Institute operates an airport in Antarctica.
Item 2: a list
Top 10 Active Antarctic research station names:
- Deception (Argentina)
- Troll (Norway)
- Esperanza (Argentina)
- Jang Bogo (South Korea)
- Yelcho (Chile)
- Arctowskii (Poland)
- Comandante Ferraz (Brazil)
- Mawson (Australia)
- Fossil Bluff (UK)
- Novolazarevskaya (Russia)
Item 3: a media recommendation

Apple Arcade's 'South of the Circle' is a playable novel of love and survival
If you have Apple Arcade and you like easy narrative games, you'll like South of the Circle.
Item 4: a photograph

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