Friday, November 3, 2023
Welcome back to Wolmania. I am confident that you will love this issue. Read on.
Item 1: a link
David Pierce from The Verge talked to this guy who built himself a wood computer. This is the story of that wood computer. Pretty cool idea but I'm holding out for a titanium phone.
Item 2: a list
American English punctuation marks, ranked
- Comma (,)
- Em dash (—)
- Semicolon (;)
- Slash (/)
- Question mark (?)
- Elipsis (…)
- Brackets ([])
- Exclamation point (!)
- Quotation marks (“”)
- Period (.)
- En-dash (–)
- Apostrophe (‘)
- Parentheses (())
- Colon (:)
- Hyphen (-)
- Single quotation marks (‘’)
- Braces ({})
Note: obviously we here at Wolmania love the interrobang (‽) but, alas, it hasn’t really caught on. We’re also intrigued by Hervé Bazin’s proposed additional punctuation marks:
Item 3: a media recommendation
Item 4: word of the week
Look, throw all the vitriol and contumely you want at me - I can take it. Just leave my bichon frisé out of it.
Item 5: a photograph
See ya!
Thanks for reading. See you again next week.
Member discussion