Friday, March 22, 2024
Brand new Wolmania.
Links and dumb comments and
Music, hooray.
Sure, a bird photograph,
Ornithotypically -
But stick around for the
Word of the day.
Item 1: a link

Here's an entertainingly-written bummer of a story by Chris Person at Aftermath about how people keep using AI and screwing up 4K remasters of (not that old) movies. The news peg is recent rereleases of several James Cameron movies - True Lies, Aliens, The Abyss, and Titanic - each of which has been run through some infernal process that leaves all the actors coming out looking like they're wearing rubber masks. Apparently it's all Peter Jackson's fault. Let! Old! Movies! Look! Old!
Item 2: a list

Poetic metric feet, ranked
- Bacchius
- Trochee
- Iamb
- Dactyl
- Antibacchius
- Tribrach
- Amphibrach
- Pyrrhus
- Anapest
- Spondee
- Molossus
- Cretic
Item 3: a media recommendation
The Band - When I Paint My Masterpiece
Item 4: word of the week
Seeing Christopher Nolan in sweatpants was disorienting, like spotting a five star general in mufti. Put a sportcoat on, sir!
Item 5: a photograph

See ya!
Thank you for reading but,
We can now move on to
Useful pursuits.
Well, on the other hand,
It’s - after all - Friday.
Abandon all ‘putes.
Member discussion