
Earlier today, my newsletter was supposed to go out by email and Twitter on the usual schedule. The latter worked but the former just... didn't. It turns out Revue, the platform on which my newsletter is published, just kind of broke and they didn't tell anyone (including me). I apologize for the error, which was in no way my fault.
I was already thinking about moving to a different platform because Revue, along with its parent (Twitter dot com itself), seem likely to have a new, erratic owner very soon. But anyway, in a fit of pique when I realized my dear readers had not received their weekly dose of nonsense, I decided to move from Revue to a new platform that is not operated by unpredictable libertarian hypocrites. After a little research, I had trouble coming up with a lot of qualified options. But I persisted and this is Ghost. If I manage to get everything working properly (I'd set the odds at about 30% on that) next week's issue will also be distributed through this lovely new technology. In the meantime, I think I have it sorted out well enough to publish this postmortem.
You can read this morning's issue (still on Revue) here. And it, along with the rest of the Wolmania archives, will remain here for the foreseeable future.
Anyway, if you're getting this by email it means I successfully moved my subscribers list to Ghost and there should be no further interruption until something else breaks. I apologize for the inconvenience. See you next week.
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