Friday, March 24, 2023
Good morning and welcome to yet another thrilling issue. Today we're talking all the usual stuff - space, food, music, inscrutable photography, etc. Check it out below.
Item 1: a link

This is from January but here at Wolmania it's never too late to talk space news. Anyway, folks, it looks like we've got ourselves a second Earth-size world in TOI 700. NASA's Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) found it.
According to Emily Gilbert, a postdoctoral fellow at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, who really has no reason to lie about it, this makes TOI 700 a rarity - a solar system with "multiple, small, habitable-zone planets"... that we know about. One would assume there are a bazillion of these systems out there that we haven't noticed yet but hey, one step at a time. Anyway, there are (at least) five planets in the TOI 700 habitable zone (TOI 700 a, TOI 700 b, TOI 700 c, TOI 700 d, and — yes, you got it, you're very smart — TOI 700 e). The two planets that are about our size (TOI 700 b and TOI 700 d) are a hundred light-years away, orbiting a cool M dwarf star (ranked 6th on the list of Main Sequence Stars, incidentally) every 10 and 37 days, respectively.
The write-up spends a shocking amount of time not talking about how long it would take humanity to reach these worlds, nor whether we could live on them without wearing space-suits and such. It doesn't even broach the topic of alien life.
The good news is that Gilbert says "[f]ollow-up study of the TOI 700 system with space- and ground-based observatories is ongoing. . . and may yield further insights into this rare system." So maybe we'll get back to this topic again in a decade or two.
They should really give these planets better names.
Item 2: a list

Traditional tapas, ranked and annotated
- Croquetas (best with jamón, bacalao, queso, or potato)
- Patatas bravas (we should be bravasing way more foods. Just a few ideas to get the wheels turning: fried cheese curds bravas; spätzle bravas; Filet-O-Fish bravas)
- Jamón
- Bombas (never had this but it appears to be fried mashed potatoes & other stuff)
- Albondigas (meatballs)
- Gambas al ajillo (shrimp scampi)
- Empanadas (I don’t really believe empanadas are tapas but who am I to argue with
- Garbanzos con espinacas (have never had this and certainly didn’t know this was derived from a Jewish stew - all I know is “garbanzos combined with spinach, garlic, paprika, and cumin” sounds delicious)
- Boquerones (anchovies), any preparation
- Manchego cheese
- Gilda pintxo (I’ve never had this either but it’s a skewer with anchovies, olives, and pickled chiles - what’s not to like?)
- Tortilla española
- Huevos rotos (this appears to be eggs with fried potatoes and some ham)
- Olivas (olives)
- Pescado frito (I prefer my fried fish in Filet-O form but sure)
- Esgarraet (steamed cod, red peppers, black olives, and garlic in oil, served on cute little toasts)
- Chorizo al vino (I like chorizo but I’ve never had them simmered in red wine - but I am open to it!)
- Mejillones tigres (breaded and fried mussels)
- Calamares fritos (I’m a bit uncomfortable eating octopodes and squid but it does taste good)
- Ensalidilla Rusa (this is potato salad)
- Mojama de atun (never tried this but cured tuna doesn’t sound that good)
- Berenjenas con miel (I’m all too aware how much of the above is meat, and would like more veggies on this list, but I am not too interested in fried eggplant)
- Morcilla (I don’t have a problem with it, but I’ve never really been too impressed with blood sausage)
- Gazpacho (I don’t like tomatoes but I don’t mind a well-blended ‘zpacho)
- Pisto (“Spain’s version of ratatouille”. No thanks.)
- Pulpo a la gallega (octopus - see above)
- Pimientos de padrón (not really into blistered shishito peppers or their equivalent)
- Pan con tomate (I don’t like tomatoes so I am not that interested in bread with tomatoes. And before you ask, yes, I do like pizza. And tomato-based sauces. And ketchup is fine.)
Item 3: a media recommendation
M83 (new album out this week! this is not on it!) - Laser Gun feat Mail Lan
Item 4: word of the week
Item 5: a photograph

See ya!
Thanks for reading. I hope you have a truly incredible weekend. See you again next week.
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