Friday, March 1, 2024

Good morning and welcome back to Wolmania. We have a strange collection of small trinkets today. Let's start with cold beef juice.
Item 1: a link

Have I already linked to this? I feel like I may have. But if so, it was back in my Revue era, so I think it's okay to revisit the time when Campbell's Soup tried valiantly to get people to drink beef boullion over ice. I understand that some of us are trying to cut down on, or eliminate, alcohol consumption, and I wholeheartedly support that. Even so, I'm not tempted to try a Frisky Sour (two cans of beef broth, one can of water, and a half cup of lemon juice, shaken).
Let's check back on this in a few months. I'll be in the gastronomy lab, working on the perfect recipe for a Spaghetti-O's Fashioned.
Item 2: a list

Quark flavors, ranked
- Up (u) quark
- Charm (c) quark
- Bottom (b) quark
- Down (d) quark
- Strange (s) quark
- Top (t) quark
(Antiquark flavor rankings are left as an exercise to the reader.)
Item 3: a media recommendation
DJ Shadow - The Organ Donor
Item 4: word of the week
Knock knock.
Who's there?
Bibelot who?
Bibelot twenty degrees all next week and they're predicting a foot and a half of snow. WHEN WILL WINTER END???
Item 5: a photograph

See ya!
Sorry about that knock knock joke. It was a bibelot my usual standard.
See you next week.
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