2 min read

Friday, January 24, 2025

Tag yourself. I'm "winter solstice".
Friday, January 24, 2025
Photo by Louis Maniquet / Unsplash

Hey, welcome back to Wolmania. Here's this week's trivial diversion:

As an aficionado of Defector's "Life's Rich Pageant" tag, and a longtime admirer of their coverage of Color Star, a construction company turned metaverse fraudster, I was happy to see this authoritative, detailed, and thoroughly reported piece by Chris Thompson: A Comprehensive And Maddening History Of Color Star, Would-Be Titans Of Just About Anything (that's a gift link).

I tried to find a good excerpt but there wasn't one. Maybe start out with this first Defector story about Color Star (gift link) and then this one (yes, another gift link!) and then subscribe to Defector already. Or just scroll up and click on the "comprehensive" link, but know that as comprehensive as it is, you are still missing out on a lot of extremely hilarious stuff in the Color Star saga.

Item 2: a list

Solstices and Equinoxes, ranked:

  1. Vernal equinox
  2. Summer solstice
  3. Autumnal equinox
  4. Winter solstice

Item 3: a media recommendation

Charles Curtis / sound. at the Schindler House

Item 4: word of the week


"I wouldn't say the capital of Moldova is 'abstruse'; it's recondite at best!"
"Abstruse and recondite are synonyms!!!"
"Kind of. They both mean 'little known', but 'abstruse' also connotes being difficult to understand."
"You are very annoying."

Item 5: a photograph

NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope recently imaged the Sombrero galaxy with its MIRI (Mid-Infrared Instrument), resolving the clumpy nature of the dust along the galaxy’s outer ring. This image includes filters representing 7.7-micron light as blue, 11.3-micron light as green, and 12.8-micron light as red. (2024)

See ya!

See you next week with a missive from the Big Apple.