1 min read

Friday, February 21, 2025

Matt Damon in a silly hat... and more!

Welcome back to Wolmania.

Nice cape, nerd.

I enjoyed Austen Goslin's short piece from this week, titled "The first image from Christopher Nolan’s Odyssey movie isn’t historically accurate, and that’s fine". Not a lot of suspense regarding where Austen comes out on this one, but it's a nice short tour through the history of Greek military armor, highlighted by a link to this (in theory, historically accurate) concept of "Odysseus Armor" in the Mycenaean style:

So yeah, that's probably not what Matt Damon will be wearing in Christopher Nolan's "Odyssey", although I think we can all agree that it should be.

Item 2: a list

Original Inductees to the National Toy Hall of Fame (Class of 1999), Ranked:

  1. Teddy bear
  2. Lego
  3. Frisbee
  4. Crayola crayon
  5. Lincoln Logs
  6. Etch A Sketch
  7. Play-Doh
  8. Duncan Yo-Yo
  9. Roller skates
  10. Barbie
  11. Tinkertoy
  12. View-Master
  13. Hula Hoop
  14. Monopoly
  15. Erector Set
  16. Marbles
  17. Radio Flyer wagon

Item 3: a media recommendation

Why It Was Almost Impossible to Make the Blue LED

Item 4: word of the week


Maybe it's time for a representative government that isn't just a sodality of ambitious, unprincipled strivers. This one is clearly defective.

Item 5: a photograph

[Technically, a photo of a] Print made using George Baxter’s eponymous “process”, which employs multiple wood-engraved blocks to print in colour over an intaglio key-plate, ca. 1854

See ya!

Thanks for your time and attention. I look forward to sharing another newsletter next week. See you then.